Iowa Board of Regents

November Meeting Rundown

The Iowa Board of Regents will meet November 6-7 at the University of Northern Iowa Maucker Union in Cedar Falls. Selected agenda items are outlined in brief below. Open session portions of the meeting will be livestreamed on the Board’s YouTube channel. View the full agenda here.

Meeting Background
The November meeting is typically the final regularly scheduled, in-person meeting of the calendar year. As such, the Board receives a number of annual reports in November, including the annual enrollment report, the comprehensive fiscal report, and others (see below). 

While the meeting is the last of the calendar year, it is the first regularly scheduled in-person meeting for Regent Christine Hensley. Hensley was appointed by Governor Kim Reynolds in September to fill the unexpired term of Regent Mike Richards. She will serve as Vice Chair of the Academic Affairs Committee and as a member of the Investment and Finance Committee. 

This year, the Regents will meet in UNI’s Maucker Union for the first time since 2016. Previous on-campus meetings at UNI were held in the Commons Slife Ballroom. The Commons currently is undergoing initial preparations to host UNI’s forthcoming Center for Civic Education, approved by the Board in September 2024.  

November Reports
The Board will receive the Comprehensive Fiscal Report, the Annual Fall Enrollment Report, the Campus Safety and Security Report, the Annual Accreditation Report, Professional Development Assignment Reports and Requests and the Economic Development and Technology Transfer Report. 

  • The Comprehensive Fiscal Report compares actual revenues and expenditures with Board-approved budgets. This comparison is useful in identifying variances between what was approved in the budget and what was actually spent. More on this report.
  • The Annual Fall Enrollment Report details total student enrollment at Iowa’s public universities and illustrates trends, demographics and other details. Enrollment numbers are calculated on the 10th day of the Fall semester, which usually falls after the Board’s annual September meeting, necessitating the need for the November meeting to host the enrollment report. More on this report.
  • The Campus Safety and Security Report, required by the the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1990, documents campus crime statistics. 
  • The Annual Accreditation Report details findings from programmatic reaccreditations at the three universities. This year, reaccreditations for ISU’s Veterinary Diagnostic Lab, UNI’s bachelor and master of social work programs and all programs at UI’s Tippie College of Business, among other programs, are detailed in the report. 
  • The Professional Development Reports detail the professional development activities of faculty and staff across the Regent enterprise. These include patent applications, completed manuscripts and published books, external grants and funding, and numerous others. 
  • The Economic Development and Technology Transfer Report details university collaboration with business and industry to foster economic development and entrepreneurship efforts in Iowa.  More on this report.

DEI Updates
Board office staff will provide progress updates on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) efforts on campus. 

Building Projects
The University of Iowa will bring three projects for Board approval, including a NICU expansion in the Stead Family Children’s Hospital, a medical laboratories renovation and a project to modernize the Art Building on campus. UNI will bring two projects for approval, including phase three of its nursing renovation of the Innovative Teaching and Technology Center and Phase two of the UNI-Dome Modernization

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