Iowa Board of Regents

Fall 2023 Enrollment highlights

Enrollment increased by 302 students from Fall 2022 to Fall 2023, according to the Fall Enrollment Report to be presented to the Iowa Board of Regents at the November meeting. Total undergraduate enrollment increased by 247 students, including 128 new first year students. 

One factor in understanding enrollment trends is the number of students graduating from Iowa high schools each year. The anticipated “enrollment cliff” – the decrease of high school graduates due to a drop in birth rates during the Great Recession – will likely affect Iowa less severely than most other states. 

The number of Iowa residents attending a Regent university decreased 2%, while the number of out-of-state students increased by 3.4%. Increases in the number of students from India has helped create the first increase in international student enrollment since 2015. 

More than 41,000 Iowa residents were enrolled, in keeping with the Board’s mission to serve Iowans and provide accessible, affordable, high-quality higher education. 

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