What are the Board’s responsibilities?
The Board of Regents is statutorily authorized by Iowa Code Chapter 262, which states that the Board is responsible to "have and exercise all the powers necessary and convenient for the effective administration of its office and of the institutions under its control..."
The broad responsibilities of the Iowa Board of Regents include:
- Creating strategic plans for the Board and approving mission statements and strategic plans for the institutions, as well as monitoring progress toward strategic goals.
- Creating and monitoring implementation of broad policies.
- Reviewing and approving academic programs.
- Approving budgets, tuition and fees, bonding, investment policies and other business and finance matters.
- Managing and controlling property and capital projects.
- Hiring and evaluating performance of the university presidents.
- Maintaining oversight on matters related to personnel and employment relations; administering the Regent Merit System; and coordinating Regent collective bargaining activities.
- Serving as trustees of the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics.
- Monitoring and coordinating legislative matters and interactions with other state agencies.
- Conducting studies and investigations, either alone or in association with the institutions and/or other agencies, and reporting findings and recommendations.