4.11 Athletics
- Policy
Integrity in the administration of intercollegiate athletic programs is one of the highest priorities of the Board of Regents, State of Iowa. In July 1991, the Board of Regents adopted the "one plus three" concept of intercollegiate athletics that asserts presidential control of athletics at all of the institutions, as well as academic integrity, financial integrity and accountability. The Board now provides additional policy emphasis on integrity in athletics by clarifying the Board's position on the consequences for serious infractions of the rules and regulations of the NCAA, athletic conference or institution and adopting a reporting procedure. All violations of NCAA, conference or institutional rules that could result in punitive, corrective or disciplinary action shall be reported to the Board Office. Sanctions, including but not limited to, reprimand, suspension, and/or termination of employment (following due process) shall be given in response to significant violations.
- Procedure
- Notification of Possible Violation
The Board Office shall be notified of all violations that could result in corrective, punitive or disciplinary action by the NCAA, athletic conference or institution. The form of the notification shall be as follows:- If the NCAA has initiated an investigation, a copy of the letter from the NCAA, and a letter of explanation shall be forwarded to the Board Office.
- If the institution is self-reporting an alleged violation to the NCAA, a copy of the letter shall be forwarded to the Board Office.
- If conference or institutional rules are at issue, the Board shall be notified as soon as a factual basis for the rule violation is known.
The Board Office shall be notified of the nature of the alleged violation; the NCAA, conference, or the institutional rule involved; and the plan for investigating the allegation.
- If the NCAA has initiated an investigation, a copy of the letter from the NCAA, and a letter of explanation shall be forwarded to the Board Office.
- Notification of Status of Investigation
The institution president is responsible for appropriately and regularly updating the Board office of the status of investigations.
- Notification of Outcome of the University Investigation
The Board Office shall be notified of the outcome of the university's investigation, including its factual conclusions and sanctions (if any) by the institution president. A summary of reports and documents submitted to NCAA, athletic conference or institutional officials shall be provided to the Board Office.
- Notification of Outcome of NCAA, Athletic Conference or Institutional Investigation
The Board Office shall be notified of the results of any investigation undertaken by NCAA, athletic conference or institutional officials. This notification shall include the conclusions and sanctions (if any).
- Annual NCAA report to Board Office
In July of each year, the Regent universities shall submit an annual report of NCAA violations and resolutions for the prior fiscal year.
- Notification of Possible Violation
- Additional Actions
- Clauses shall be included in all coaches and athletic administrators contracts that shall provide that significant violations of NCAA, conference or institutional rules will result in sanctions including, but not be limited to, reprimand, suspension, and/or termination of employment (subject to the Board of Regents procedures in due process).
- In cases where this policy is not followed, the institutional president shall request an executive session with the Board of Regents to discuss the situation.
- Clauses shall be included in all coaches and athletic administrators contracts that shall provide that significant violations of NCAA, conference or institutional rules will result in sanctions including, but not be limited to, reprimand, suspension, and/or termination of employment (subject to the Board of Regents procedures in due process).
- Statement of Principles
The Board of Regents is committed to a philosophy of firm institutional control of athletics, to the unquestioned academic and financial integrity of the athletics programs, and to the accountability of the athletics departments to the values and goals befitting higher education. In support of that commitment, the Board has adopted the following general as a guide to participation in intercollegiate athletics:- The educational values, practices and missions of the institutions determine the standards by which intercollegiate athletics programs are conducted.
- The responsibility and authority for the administration of the athletics departments, including all basic policies, personnel and finances, are vested in the presidents.
- The welfare, health and safety of student-athletes are primary concerns of athletics administration on the campuses. The institutions shall provide student-athletes with the opportunity for academic experiences as close as possible to the experiences of their non-athlete classmates.
- Every student-athlete shall receive equitable and fair treatment.
- The admission of student-athletes – including community college transfers – shall be based on their showing reasonable promise of being successful in a course of study leading to an academic degree. That judgment shall be made by admissions officials.
- Continuing eligibility to participate in intercollegiate athletics shall be based on students being able to demonstrate each academic term that they will graduate within five years of their enrolling.
- An institution shall strive to have its student-athletes in each sport graduate at the same proportion as the general student population at that institution.
- All funds raised and spent in connection with intercollegiate athletics programs shall be channeled through the institutions’ general treasury, and comply with the annual NCAA-mandated Agreed Upon Procedures performed by external auditors. The athletics department budgets shall be developed and monitored in accordance with general budgeting procedures on the campuses.
- All athletics-related income from non-University sources for coaches and athletics administrators shall be reviewed and approved by the universities. In cases where the income involves the University’s functions, facilities or name, contracts shall be negotiated with the institution.
- Annual academic and fiscal audits of the athletics programs shall be conducted. The institutions shall promptly correct any deficiencies.
- The educational values, practices and missions of the institutions determine the standards by which intercollegiate athletics programs are conducted.
- Principles for Recruitment of Prospective Student-Athletes
- Iowa Regent universities have a heritage of being some of the most prestigious and acclaimed institutions of higher education in the country. Recruiting visits should provide prospective students with an opportunity to explore the academic, athletic and social opportunities our institutions provide.
- In light of recent national incidents of excessive entertainment in the recruitment of prospective student-athletes, the following overriding principles have been developed for Iowa Regent universities. The purpose of these principles is to ensure that all Regent universities operate their recruiting activities within applicable NCAA, conference and institutional guidelines.
- Iowa Regent universities have a heritage of being some of the most prestigious and acclaimed institutions of higher education in the country. Recruiting visits should provide prospective students with an opportunity to explore the academic, athletic and social opportunities our institutions provide.
- Recruiting Principles:
- Each Regent institution will implement recruiting guidelines pursuant to NCAA guidelines.
- Each Regent institution’s recruiting activities will occur in a regulated environment governed by Board of Regents, NCAA, conference and institution rules.
- Each Regent institution will establish and administer policies addressing entertainment of prospective student-athletes which will make clear that any use of gambling, drugs, alcohol or sex-related activities as a recruiting device is prohibited.
- Each Regent institution will establish a method of pre-communicating recruiting guidelines to prospective student-athletes, parents or legal guardians.
- Each institution will ensure that head coaches understand and abide by the principles of head coach responsibility per NCAA legislation.
- Each Regent institution will educate all student-athlete hosts that they are official representatives of the institution and that the hosting of prospective student-athletes must be conducted in a manner consistent with the institution’s recruiting guidelines.
- Each Regent institution will provide an opportunity for the prospective student to experience the educational offerings of the institution.
- Each Regent institution will develop a system of regular auditing and enforcement of its recruiting practices.
- Each Regent institution will implement recruiting guidelines pursuant to NCAA guidelines.
- Iowa Regent Institutions Philosophy for Recruitment of Prospective Student-Athletes
The State of Iowa and the Iowa Regent Institutions are committed to recruiting in an appropriate and ethical manner. The goal of the Iowa Regent Institutions is to provide a safe and healthy environment for prospective students. A prospective student’s visit should provide that prospect an opportunity to see our universities as institutions where they can develop their individual talents and reach their full potential as student-athletes and citizens. A visit to our University campuses is a chance for prospects to focus on the academic and athletic missions and culture of the respective institution. These visits are also tremendous opportunities for the institutions to evaluate the potential academic and social success of the prospect, thus enabling all parties to make a clear and informed decision.