Iowa Board of Regents

3.7 Academic Program Review

  1. The institutions shall conduct a review of all academic programs on a seven-year cycle and shall provide the Board Office with an annual list of programs reviewed. Newly initiated programs will need to demonstrate that the program has met the goals and objectives for the program at the time that it was initially proposed. A report on each program reviewed shall be provided to the Board Office in a format developed by the Board Office (Form B (Word)).
  2. The Board Office shall prepare an annual report to the Board with emphasis on exemplary or particularly noteworthy features of the academic program review.
  3. The Board Office may periodically and selectively identify programs from the reports submitted by the institutions to be audited on-site. The following are examples of programs that might be audited: (a) newly initiated programs, (b) programs with negative review recommendations and (c) those with significant enrollment declines. The Board Office shall determine if any matters resulting from the audits need Board action and place them on the agenda of the Board of Regents’ Academic Affairs Committee.
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