Iowa Board of Regents

1.9 Board Office

The Board of Regents office is the staff arm of the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, and is responsible for protecting the academic integrity and autonomy of the institutions, while maintaining institutional accountability. In executing its duties, the Board Office adopts and embraces the mission, vision, values, and culture expounded by the Board of Regents.

  1. Board Office Statement of Mission
    1. The Board Office provides administrative and professional support to the Board of Regents. The Board Office has diverse responsibilities, which include review, analysis, and policy recommendations on all matters coming before the Board. The Board Office coordinates the distribution of information to the Board of Regents. Representative responsibilities of the Board Office include the following:
      1. Arranges for Board meetings, prepares Board agenda and materials;
      2. Monitors and interprets Board policy for the Regent institutions;
      3. Maintains oversight on Regent enterprise-wide policy and operations priorities;
      4. Administers the Regent Merit System;
      5. Coordinates collective bargaining;
      6. Conducts studies, either alone or in association with the institutions and/or other agencies, and reports findings and recommendations;
      7. Conducts special investigations as directed by the Board;
      8. Monitors institutional planning and analyses to support the Board’s strategic planning efforts;
      9. Coordinates and advises the Board regarding enterprise-wide projects and initiatives;
      10. Assists the Board in institutional head searches;
      11. Monitors and coordinates legislative matters and interactions with other state agencies;
      12. Coordinates public affairs activities;
      13. Coordinates economic development efforts by the Regent institutions;
      14. Coordinates communication activities and processes;
      15. Coordinates legal activities
      16. Provides information analyses on key issues
      17. Performs others duties as determined by the Board of Regents or the Executive Director.
    2. The Executive Director and the Board Office serve as an important extension of the Board Regents. The Board considers a request from the Board Office to the institutions to be a request from this Board and expects that such requests will be responded to accurately and in a timely manner. In addition, the Board expects to be kept informed of critical and important happenings at the institutions through timely reporting to the President of the Board and the Executive Director.
    3. These roles the Board has defined for itself and its Executive Director, Chief Academic Officer and Chief Operating Officer are the keystones for facilitating the Board’s strategic plan and for achieving the Board’s goal of being a national leader in the governance of public higher education.
  2. Executive Director

    The Executive Director is the Chief Executive Officer of the Board of Regents, State of Iowa. The Executive Director reports directly to the Board of Regents. The Executive Director is empowered to take all action reasonably necessary and proper in the performance of those functions customary to the role of Chief Executive Officer; including, but not limited to, the following:

    1. Perform all duties and functions necessary for the prompt and effective execution of all resolutions, policies, rules, regulations and actions adopted by the Board of Regents.
    2. Negotiate and execute all notes, bonds, deeds, contracts, leases, agreements and other documents of an official nature on behalf of the Board of Regents, unless otherwise prescribed by law, policy or Board action.
    3. Take those actions necessary for the proper administration of the Board office and its functions, as identified further in this Policy Manual.
    4. Act as the lawful custodian of the records of the Board of Regents.
    5. Delegate authority granted to the Executive Director to the Chief Operating Officer (COO), the Chief Academic Officer (CAO), or other Board office staff as necessary and appropriate.
    6. Hire, supervise, evaluate, and provide leadership for the COO and the CAO, and other Board Office staff as necessary.
    7. Develop strategic and collaborative relationships with the heads of the Regent institutions including regular contact and timely communication on key issues and actions.
    8. In collaboration with the COO and the CAO, work with Regents’ legislative liaisons, Board of Regents leadership, the Governor, Legislators and other agencies in establishing institutional legislative priorities including the system budget.
    9. Approve non-substantive or non-material Board of Regents Policy Manual revisions so long as the revisions do not alter the sense, meaning, or effect of any rule or policy.
  3. Chief Operating Officer

    The Chief Operating Officer shall be responsible for coordinating and implementing Board policies and managing board office staff in the areas of business, purchasing, facilities, human resources, information technology, state relations and other areas as may be assigned by the Executive Director. The Chief Operating Officer shall report directly to the Executive Director.

  4. Chief Academic Officer

    The Chief Academic Officer shall be responsible for coordinating and implementing Board policies and managing board office staff in the areas of academics, student affairs and support, admissions, financial aid, faculty affairs, campus safety and other areas as may be assigned by the Executive Director. The Chief Academic Officer shall report directly to the Executive Director.

  5. Responsibilities of the Board Office

    The Board Office shall provide the general staff work necessary to assist the Board in arriving at sound decisions on policies, procedures, and future plans. This includes, among other activities, the preparation of surveys, reports, recommendations and other necessary research. The Board Office shall perform all duties as directed by the Executive Director and the COO and CAO.

  6. State Relations

    State Relations Officers are employees of the Board, reporting directly to the Executive Director/Chief Operating Officer. The Executive Director/ Chief Operating Officer will consult with the institution heads relating to the duties and responsibilities of the State Relations Officers. The State Relations Officers are responsible for transmitting and explaining policies of the Board of Regents and information from the institutions to the General Assembly and other state officials.

    Only the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, can make legislative policy for the Regent institutions. In carrying out this responsibility, the Board will consult with the institution heads on policy setting responsibilities. The development of legislative strategy is the responsibility of the Board and the Board president in consultation with the Executive Director/ Chief Operating Officer, and the institution heads.

    Each year prior to the beginning of the General Assembly the Executive Director, in consultation with the Board Leadership shall determine and the transmit the names of those who may lobby on behalf of the Board of Regents.

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