Iowa Board of Regents

Regents History: January 9-10, 1969

January 9-10, 1969. Grimes State Office Building

Board Membership

  • Stanley Redeker, President, Boone
  • Casey Loss, Algona
  • Thomas Louden, Fairfield
  • Ned Perrin, Mapleton
  • William Quarton, Cedar Rapids
  • Jonathan Richards, Red Oak
  • Dannie Rosenfield, Des Moines (absent)
  • Ralph Wallace, Mason City (absent)
  • Melvin Wolf, Waterloo

Regent Wolf requested the institutions provide reports on how selective service regulations were affecting enrollment. Wolf stated that he had heard a full 40 percent of the UI Law School’s incoming freshmen were to be drafted by September and that, if true, this situation might justify budget revisions. The UI reported an expected loss of seven-to-eight percent of its current graduate students, though UNI and ISU expected to lose significantly fewer students.

University of Iowa President Howard Bowen suggested holiday vacation be extended to the Friday after Thanksgiving for all UI employees. The other institutions supported the measure, which took effect November 27, 1970.

UNI was authorized to purchase the North American Review, a literary magazine, from Cornell College at a price of $10,000. Disagreement about the purchase led to a 5-2 vote with Regents Richards and Louden voting no. The five Regents in favor, led by President Redeker, made the case that “the publication of this magazine on the UNI campus would undoubtedly act as a scholarly stimulant to all of the faculty and students.” Further, it was stated that “the principal value of such a publication is intangible, lies in the intellectual field and cannot be specifically measured.” The North American Review is the oldest literary magazine in the United States and celebrates its 50th year on campus at UNI this year.

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