Residence Systems Overview
Each year, the Board of Regents hears an update on the three public universities’ residence systems. The residence systems of Iowa’s three public universities, which include dormitories, dining halls and other services, serve thousands of students every day and are entirely self-supporting - no state appropriated funds are directed toward the residence systems.
Instead, the systems are primarily funded from room and board contracts. Each residence system is part of a unique competitive environment, and their respective markets contribute to rate variations between systems. The Board will hear a first reading of the 2020-21 Residence System Rates at the February meeting, with final approval in April. While many room and board options are available, the standard double room and board rates are below.
Proposed rate increases for the 2020-21 academic year are modest, with UNI proposing no increase at all. In fact, UNI will offer financial incentives to returning students who live in the residence system for another year.
Residence System Fast Facts:
The residence systems currently house and feed more than 20,000 students, around half of which at ISU.
- All told, the UI, ISU and UNI residence systems maintain 7.1 million square feet in facilities.
- Each system strives to provide a great home for any student who chooses to live on campus. As part of their commitment to student success, each university strives to connect students with common goals or interests to enhance their college experience.
- Significant, continuous investment in improvements and amenities helps provide students the on-campus living experience they desire. UNI’s Dancer Hall will reopen this fall after renovation. Dining renovations to ISU's Union Drive Marketplace, Memorial Union Food Court and College of Design Café are planned, as well.
- All three universities are trending toward more single-occupancy rooms, greater dining options and increased privacy to meet the demands of students.