FY 2022 State Appropriations Request

At its September meeting, the Board of Regents will consider approval of FY 2022 state appropriations requests totaling $642.87 million. This includes a continuation of last year’s appropriation, plus incremental increases for the higher education general fund, the special schools and other education appropriations and for economic development.
Reference: Rundown of FY 2021 Appropriations Requests
Request Basics
Iowa Code requires the Board to submit its yearly appropriations request to the Iowa State Legislature prior to October 1. The bulk of the Board’s legislative request is the higher education general university appropriations request, which serves as the universities’ main source of state funding. Further money is appropriated for special purpose units, the Iowa School for the Deaf and Iowa Educational Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired (ISD and IESVBI), economic development, agriculture and natural resources and other appropriations. This year, the Board is asking for additional, incremental funding for the general fund, the special schools and other education appropriations and for economic development.
Higher Education General University Appropriation - $504.05 Million
The Board’s FY 2021 request for the higher education general university appropriation includes a continuation of the $486.05 million appropriated last year, plus $18 million in incremental funding. Regent operating appropriations for FY 2021 were cut $8 million from FY 2020. This cut largely was absorbed by the general fund. In fact, last year’s appropriation was $63 million less than that of FY 2001.
The general fund provides resources essential for quality public higher education, cutting-edge research and public services. The Board’s incremental funding request includes an additional $7 million for the UI, $7 million for ISU and $4 million for UNI. The Board’s $18 million incremental request will support student financial aid and equipping classrooms for online and hybrid teaching setups.
Special Schools and Other Education Appropriations - $24.73 Million
The funding request for ISD and IESBVI allows the Board of Regents to continue to provide high quality, individualized instructional opportunities to children and youth who are deaf or hard-of-hearing and to those who are blind or visually impaired. ISD and IESBVI rely heavily on state funding for their operations. The Special Schools’ request to maintain parity with funding for K-12 public schools includes a continuation of the $14.97 million FY 21 appropriation and $242,300 in incremental funds.
In addition, the Board is requesting restoration of the $8 million cut from FY 21. This appropriation would be applied in a manner determined by the Board.
Economic Development - $13.08 Million
Appropriations for economic development are essential for the long-term growth of a sustainable, innovative economy driven by university innovations and technology. Funding for the University of Iowa Research Park (UIRP), ISU’s Center for Industrial Research and Service (CIRAS) and the UNI Metal Casting Center, among many others, comes from this appropriation. The Board has requested a $2.9 million incremental increase for FY 22.