Iowa Board of Regents

UI Health Sciences Building

Modern design of a new building with glass windows and a spacious entrance.

At the June Board of Regents meeting, the University of Iowa will request Board approval for project description and budget to construct a new health sciences building on campus. If approved, the project will add a 263,000 square foot academic facility for use by UI’s Communication Sciences and Disorders, Health and Human Physiology, and Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences departments. 

The $249 million project budget would be funded by University Hospitals Building Usage Funds, Treasurer’s Temporary Investment Income and UI Facility Corp bond proceeds. Private philanthropy would also be pursued to support the project. The building would be located south of Slater Residence Hall and west of Grand Avenue Court.

Visual representation of the new building's site plan, featuring parking areas and entrance locations.

The building would include academic, research, administrative and clinical spaces on six levels. Further, the project would develop the site into a shared open green space and parking lot to serve the university community. 

The three departments mentioned currently occupy aged facilities that are not optimized to their current needs or projected growth. The new facility, if approved, will provide a state-of-the-art home to all three programs and allow the departments to better train Iowa’s future health care workforce.

Additionally, the project serves as the latest in the university’s 10-year facilities master plan, approved by the Board in January 2022. This is one of many key projects that will make room for the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics new proposed inpatient tower.


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