Iowa Board of Regents

September 15-16, 2021 Meeting Recap

September 16, 2021

The Board of Regents met September 15-16 in Ames. Selected items discussed are outlined below. 

FY 2023 State Appropriation Requests
The Board approved appropriation requests totaling $638.6 million, including a continuation of last year’s appropriation and further, incremental funding for the higher education general fund, special purpose units, the special schools and economic development. The Board requested $15 million in incremental funding for the higher education general fund, with the University of Iowa and UNI requesting $4 million and Iowa State requesting $7 million.

Read More: FY 2023 State Appropriation Requests Breakdown

Property and Facilities Committee
The annual facilities report for 2021, including capital plans for FY 2023 was presented and passed by the full board. The University of Iowa received approval for schematic design, project description and budget for the UIHC John Pappajohn Pavilion expansion project and received permission to proceed with a property purchase at 704 East 2nd Avenue as part of the UIHC Iowa River Landing district. Iowa State received permission to proceed with project planning for its Town Engineering Building expansion and requested to name its planned Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering building in honor of C.G. “Turk” and Joyce A. Therkildsen, who made a $42 million commitment toward its construction. UNI moved forward with its Industrial Technology Center modernization, receiving approval for schematic design, project description and budget for the $44 million project funded largely through state appropriations.

Read More: Town Engineering Building Update

Further: ITC at UNI Modernization

Free Speech Committee
The committee heard presentations on freedom of expression at public universities and received updates on free speech campus training and the free speech survey.

Academic Affairs Committee
The committee received the annual accreditation report and heard a presentation on COVID-related lessons learned. Iowa State requested the termination of four centers. UI and UNI added a master of midwifery and a bachelor’s in management: business administration program, respectively. 

Investment and Finance Committee
Representatives from Marquette Associates, Inc., the Board’s investment advisor, presented the quarterly investment report. The annual review of peer group comparisons also was presented.

Audit and Compliance Committee
Board Chief Audit Executive Deb Johnston presented internal audits, while Deputy Auditor of State Marlys Gaston presented the FY 2021 State Audit plan and state audit reports.

University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Committee
The committee received the UIHC presentation from VP for Medical Affairs and Dean of the Carver College of Medicine Brooks Jackson, Associate VP of UI Health Care and UIHC CEO Suresh Gunasekaran, and Interim Associate VP for Finance and UIHC CFO Mark Henrichs. 

Public Comment
Eight speakers presented to the Board on topics ranging from COVID protocols to management of energy infrastructure at Iowa State. 

Personnel Appointments
Jennifer Waldron was named interim dean of continuing education and special programs at UNI. Dolly Murray was appointed director of student life at the special schools and Jacy Johnson was named associate vice president for strategic relations and communications at Iowa State.

Faculty Research Presentation
Dr. Lisa Schulte Moore presented her research on science, production and conservation. 

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