Iowa Board of Regents

Public Forums Announced for Iowa State Presidential Search

June 6, 2017

The Iowa State University Presidential Search and Screen Committee will hold four open forums to hear from the general public on preferred qualifications for the next president of Iowa State University.

The open forums, which anyone can attend to make comments, are scheduled as follows:

-- Monday, June 12, 1:30 p.m., Pioneer Room, Memorial Union, Iowa State University campus
-- Monday, June 12, 5:30 p.m., Campanile Room, Memorial Union, Iowa State University campus
-- Tuesday, June 13, 8:30 a.m., Pioneer Room, Memorial Union, Iowa State University campus
-- Tuesday, June 13, Noon, Design on Main, 203 Main Street, Ames, Iowa

“The most important goal of the presidential search committee is to ensure that the search for Iowa State's 16th president is as inclusive and comprehensive as possible,” said Luis Rico-Gutierrez, co-chair of the committee and Dean of ISU’s College of Design. “To this end, we believe that it is critical to solicit input from all constituencies on what attributes the next president should have.”

“The next ISU president will lead Iowa State through the implementation of its strategic priorities,” said Dan Houston, co-chair of the committee and President and Chairman of Principal Financial Group. “We want to identify qualities that will allow candidates to successfully contribute their vision to Iowa State, as well as identify challenges and opportunities that need to be part of the incoming president’s priorities. These forums will give constituents an opportunity to be heard.”

An audio archive of all forums will be posted on the ISU presidential search website at  For those who cannot attend a forum but would like to provide input on desired candidate characteristics and qualifications, comments may be submitted by e-mail to no later than June 19.

For More Information:

Josh Lehman


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