Iowa Board of Regents

July 29, 2020 Meeting Recap

July 29, 2020

The Board of Regents held a virtual meeting July 29, 2020. Key items reviewed by the Property and Facilities Committee and the Board are outlined below. Click here for the complete agenda

Fiscal Year 2021 Budgets
The Board approved FY 2021 budgets for the three universities, two special schools, Iowa Public Radio and the Board Office. The COVID-19 pandemic, a tuition freeze and an $8 million cut from the 2020 Iowa General Assembly resulted in smaller projected budgets for 2021 than in 2020. FY 2021 general university operating budgets are more than $65 million less than they were in 2020. Because of the uncertainty of fall schedules, presentations on university athletics budgets were moved to the September Board meeting.

Chart showing the 2021 budget for general university spending by function.

Read More: FY 2021 Budget Primer

Personnel Action for Institutional Heads and Executive Director
In light of the budget challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the three university presidents accepted reductions in pay. UNI President Mark Nook’s salary was reduced by $42,110, ISU President Wendy Wintersteen’s salary was reduced by $59,000 and SUI President Bruce Harreld’s salary was reduced by 50 percent. 

Property and Facilities Committee
The Board approved two projects at UNI, including a new 2,400 square foot football team meeting room in the northeast corner of the UNI-Dome. The project budget of $2.07 million will be funded by the UNI Athletics Foundation. The Board also approved the transfer of 0.2 acres of land from Iowa City to the University of Iowa. The University plans to move the Sanxay-Gilmore house at 109 E. Market to the lot and use the house as the new home of SUI’s nonfiction writing program.  

Personnel Appointments
Kevin Kregel was appointed Interim Executive Vice President and Provost at the University of Iowa. At Iowa State, Toyia Younger was appointed Senior Vice President for Student Affairs, Pam Elliot Cain was appointed Senior Vice President for Operations and Finance, Kristen Constant was appointed Vice President for Information Technology Services and Kristi Darr was appointed Vice President of Human Resources. 

Bond Sales
Academic revenue and hospital revenue refunding bonds were approved for the University of Iowa, netting a present value savings of $6.83 million. Academic building revenue refunding bonds were approved for ISU, netting a present value savings of $5.66 million. 

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