Iowa Board of Regents

Donley Voted Chair Elect of SHEEO

July 8, 2015

Dr. Robert Donley, Executive Director of the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, has been voted Chair Elect of the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association (SHEEO). His appointment was made official today at the annual meeting of the Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of public higher education held in Santa Fe, N.M.

“I am extremely honored to have been voted Chair Elect for SHEEO,” Donley said. “I am humbled to be elected by my peers throughout the nation. This organization continues to play a critical role in state and federal policy development designed to expand opportunities for students to access higher education in the United States.”

Donley will serve two years. Currently, he serves on the Executive Committee of SHEEO and is Co-Chair of the Federal Relations Committee.

“This is an honor for the state of Iowa to have our Executive Director elected by his peers to be Chair Elect of this national organization,” said Board of Regents President Bruce Rastetter. “It speaks to Bob’s outstanding work that he was voted by his colleagues to serve as one of their officers for the next two years.”

“Bob Donley’s considerable experience in higher education administration and his strong leadership skills will be valuable assets as he assumes the lead role with the higher education executives’ organization,” said Steven Leath, president of Iowa State University.

"Hearty congratulations to Dr. Donley,” said University of Northern Iowa president Bill Ruud. “This is a tremendous honor and clearly a result of his demonstrated leadership skills in Iowa, regionally and nationally. It will be great for Bob, for SHEEO, for the Regents, and for UNI, ISU, and SUI."

SHEEO is the national association of the chief executives of the statewide governing, policy and coordinating boards of postsecondary education in the United States. Founded in 1954, SHEEO serves its members as an advocate for state policy leadership, as a liaison between states and the federal government, as a vehicle for learning from and collaborating with peers, and as a source of information and analysis on educational and public policy issues. SHEEO seeks to advance public policies and educational practices to achieve more widespread access and successful participation in higher education, more new discoveries through research, and more applications of knowledge that improve the quality of human lives.

For More Information:

Contact: Josh Lehman, 515-242-5095

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