Iowa Board of Regents

Board Thanks House Appropriations Committee for Performance Based Funding

April 27, 2015

The House Appropriations Committee voted today to include Performance Based Funding (PBF) for the Board of Regents in the Education Appropriations budget. The PBF funding will redistribute $12.9 million from the University of Iowa and direct $6.6 million to the University of Northern Iowa and $6.3 million to Iowa State University.

"The Board wishes to express its thanks and appreciation to the Iowa House of Representatives Appropriations Committee for implementing the Performance Based Funding model," said Board of Regents President Bruce Rastetter. "PBF will provide more transparency and equity across the three institutions while also being more accountable to the taxpayers of Iowa."

"We look forward to continuing to work with the General Assembly and the Governor to additionally ensure a modest 1.75% inflationary increase along with dollars to backfill the University of Iowa as a result of redistribution of PBF," added President Rastetter.

For More Information:

Contact: Sheila Koppin (515) 281-3332


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