April 19-20, 2023 Meeting Recap

The Board of Regents met April 19-20 in Ames. Selected items discussed are outlined below. View the full agenda here.
Academic Affairs Committee VIDEO
The committee approved requests from Iowa State to add two new programs; a BS in agricultural communication and a Master of Accounting Analytics. Four centers were closed at ISU while UI terminated its BS in sociology and BS in criminology, law and justice programs. The annual tenure report was presented in addition to 2023 promotion and tenure requests. Additionally, the committee received reports on teacher preparation activities from teacher education leaders at the three universities. This was the final meeting to Regent Nancy Boettger, the chair of the Academic Affairs Committee. Her term on the Board expires April 30, 2023.
Read More: Boettger’s Final Meeting VIDEO
Further: Iowa State Requests Two New Programs
Property and Facilities Committee VIDEO
The committee approved the capital registers for the three universities, which outline future campus capital projects. These include a new parking garage near Kinnick Stadium and various hospital projects at UI, UNI-Dome renovations at UNI and a remodel of the Lied Recreational Facility at ISU. In addition, the committee approved emergency contract authorization for tornado damage at UI and a boiler upgrade at UNI.
Residence System Rates
The Board approved rate increases for the universities’ residence halls. Rates for the most popular double residence hall room and meal plan increased by 4.2% at UI, 3.9% at ISU and 3.3% at UNI.
Salary Policy VIDEO
The Board received remarks from non-represented faculty and staff on FY 2024 salary policies. Speakers included UI Faculty Senate President Ana Rodriguez-Rodriguez, UI Staff Council President Jacqueline Kleppe, ISU Faculty Senate President Jon Perkins and UNI P&S Staff Council President Kristina Kofoot.
Collective Bargaining Agreements VIDEO
The Board ratified collective bargaining agreements with the Campaign to Organize Graduate Students (COGS) and Service Employees International Union (SEIU) at UI and United Faculty at UNI. All three agreements include a 3% increase to base wage/minimum salary rate.
Campus and Student Affairs Committee VIDEO
The committee received a report on student employment from campus vice presidents for student life.
Audit and Compliance Committee VIDEO
Board Chief Audit Executive Deb Johnston presented internal audits and the UIHC audit reports.
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Committee VIDEO
The committee received the UIHC presentation from VP for Medical Affairs and Dean of the Carver College of Medicine Brooks Jackson, Interim Associate VP of UI Health Care and UIHC CEO Kim Hunter, and Interim Associate VP for Finance and UIHC CFO Mark Henrichs. The committee approved amended and restated bylaws for 2023.