Iowa Board of Regents

3.3 Residency Classification for Tuition and Fee Purposes

Each university shall establish a system for classifying students as a resident or nonresident for tuition and fee purposes as described in 681 IAC 1.4.  One of the primary considerations in determining residency is the student’s state of domicile – the state where the student has a true and permanent home to which they intend to return.  In determining the residency of a current or prospective student, the universities shall consider all information presented by a student that may be relevant to determining the student’s state of domicile.  This may include, but is not limited to:

  1. The student’s primary source of financial support
  2. For students who are legal dependents, the domicile of their parent(s) or legal guardian(s)
  3. Evidence of the student’s connection to and residence in the State of Iowa (i.e. regular employment, lease or ownership of property, licensing documentation, voting or registration documentation, income tax filings, etc.)
  4. The location of the student’s residence during periods when classes are not in session
  5. Any other information that could reasonably establish the student’s state of domicile.

The process for determining the residency classification of a student or prospective student must take into consideration individual circumstances unique to the student.  The university may request that the student provide sufficient document evidence supporting a request for classification as a resident.  The failure or inability of a student to provide all the document evidence requested by the university shall not automatically cause the student to be classified as a nonresident.  The universities shall consult with the Board office regarding interpretation and implementation of 681 IAC 1.4 and this policy. 

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