Iowa Board of Regents

1.8 Appeals to the Merit System Director

  1. Merit Classification Appeals. If an employee or department head is not satisfied with the Merit System Director’s decision on a position classification review (681 IAC 3.127), that person may appeal the decision in writing within seven days of the Merit System Director’s decision to a qualified classification appeal committee appointed in accordance with the following procedure: 
    1. The classification appeal committee is comprised of (i) a human resources professional who will serve as the chair, (ii) a human resources job analyst from another Regents institution, and (iii) a Merit employee from the requested classification. The classification appeal committee will conduct such investigation as it deems necessary to determine the proper allocation of the position and will notify the Merit System Director of its decision within 45 calendar days after the committee receives the appeal. 
    2. An appeal will be considered on the basis of duties and responsibilities assigned at the time of the original classification review, and in no case will the assignment of additional duties and responsibilities following the resident director’s investigation of the original request be considered during the process as outlined above. 
    3. A new classification review will not be allowed for one year following the final decision on a request for review unless there have been substantial changes in the duties and responsibilities of the position. 
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