Board News - Page 13
Board of Regents to Hire Search Firm to Assist in Hiring of Next University of Northern Iowa President
The Board of Regents, State of Iowa is soliciting Requests for Qualification (RFQ) from qualified search firms to assist in the process to select the next president at the University of Northern Iowa. The Board hopes to select the successful firm by the end of July.
Board of Regents to Consider Tuition Increase at June Meeting
At its June meeting, the Board of Regents, State of Iowa will be asked to consider tuition increases at Iowa’s three public universities, effective with the Fall 2016 semester. "We appreciate the support that the Governor and General Assembly have given the public universities over the years," Board of Regents Bruce Rastetter said.
Statement from Board of Regents President Bruce Rastetter on Presidential Transition at the University of Northern Iowa
At our June meeting, the Board of Regents will appoint an interim president at UNI, who will serve until a new permanent president can take office.
Statement from Board of Regents President Bruce Rastetter on Dr. William Ruud Being Named President at Marietta College
The Board of Regents thanks President Ruud for his extraordinary service to the University of Northern Iowa and the state. Under his leadership, there has been great progress made at UNI, and he leaves UNI in a stronger position than when he arrived.
Mary Andringa Announces Resignation from Board of Regents
Regent Mary Andringa has announced that she is resigning from the Board of Regents, State of Iowa effective April 30, 2016. Andringa’s term began May 1, 2015.
Statement from Board of Regents President Bruce Rastetter on Higher Education Funding for FY17
The Board understands that this was a particularly challenging year, with limited funds available. However, we are very disappointed the proposed funding to the public universities was well below the Board’s request.
Board of Regents, State of Iowa Notice of Public Hearings Schedule
In accordance with the transparency measures adopted by the Board of Regents at its August 2013 meeting, the Board of Regents schedule of public hearings for 2016 is available on the Board’s website. The public hearings will be held at each of the Board’s five institutions, and the Board Office, prior to each Board of Regents meeting. The schedule includes the specific dates, times and locations for each hearing. Please note that all are subject to change.
Statement from Board of Regents President Bruce Rastetter on Governor’s Condition of the State Speech
The Board appreciates Governor Branstad’s continued support for Iowa’s public universities. He has shown that keeping higher education accessible and affordable is a priority.
We will continue to be good stewards with the money that is appropriated to us. We will also continue to strive to find ways to be more efficient and effective with our funds.
The Board is committed to working with the Governor and General Assembly in the 2016 legislative session to secure the level of funding that will ensure the highest quality education for our students.
Statement from Board of Regents President Bruce Rastetter on University of Iowa Faculty Senate Vote of No Confidence
The landscape of higher education is changing and the current ways of operating are not sustainable. The Board of Regents brought four highly qualified candidates to campus during the search process and discussed their abilities to help lead the University of Iowa through the changes in higher education.
Throughout this process, Board members heard from stakeholders all across Iowa about the type of qualities and leadership needed at the University of Iowa.
Statement from Board of Regents President Bruce Rastetter on Appropriation Request Adjustment for the University of Iowa
Board of Regents, State of Iowa President Bruce Rastetter announced he will seek $4.5 million in additional funding for the University of Iowa in its FY 2017 operating appropriation request at the Board meeting on Sept. 9 in Cedar Falls.