Iowa Board of Regents

September 14-15, 2005

Board Of Regents, State Of Iowa

Maucker Union – Old Central Ballroom A & B

University Of Northern Iowa

September 14-15, 2005


Agenda Items to be Considered September 14-15, 2005
  1. University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Trustees (PDF)

  2. Economic Development Committee (PDF)

    1. Minutes of the Meeting of August 3, 2005 (PDF)

    2. Revised Committee Work Plan through June, 2006 (PDF)

    3. Grow Iowa Values Fund Proposals (PDF)

      • University of Iowa
      • Iowa State University
      • University of Northern Iowa
    4. Highlighted Project Report - Ag-Based Industrial Lubricants (ABIL) and Environmental Lubricants Manufacturing (ELM) - UNI (PDF)

  3. Investment Committee (PDF)

    1. Minutes of the Meeting of June 13, 2005 (PDF)

    2. Investment and Cash Management Report for the Quarter Ended June 30, 2005, and Executive Summary of Investment Performance (PDF)

    3. Review of Investment Policy (PDF)

    4. Annual Review of Banking and Broker Relationships (PDF)

    5. Alternative for Short Term Investments (PDF)

    6. Revised FY 2006 Committee Work Plan (PDF)

  4. Education and Student Affairs Committee (PDF)

    1. Minutes of the Meeting of June 13, 2005 (PDF)

    2. Request for name change in the Department of Design, Family, and Consumer Sciences at the University of Northern Iowa (PDF)

    3. Request for course changes at the University of Iowa (PDF)

    4. Request for name change of Ph.D. in Health Services and Policy at the University of Iowa (PDF)

    5. Academic Calendar - Iowa State University (PDF)

    6. Request to suspend admissions to and terminate the undergraduate major and minor in Inter‑American Studies at the University of Northern Iowa (PDF)

    7. Request to discontinue the Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics Program at Iowa State University (PDF)

    8. Request for a Master of Science program in Clinical Investigation at the University of Iowa (PDF)

    9. Education and Student Affairs Committee work plan update (PDF)

    10. IBSSS Task Force Recommendations work plan (PDF)

    11. Iowa Lakeside Laboratory 2005-2006 Budget (PDF)

    12. Annual Distance Education Report (PDF)

    13. Iowa Public Radio Executive Director Appointment (PDF)

  5. Human Resources Committee (PDF)

    1. Minutes of the Meeting of May 4, 2005 (PDF)

    2. Human Resources Committee Work Plan Update (PDF)

    3. Appeal Process Review (PDF)

    4. Family Emergency Leave Carryover (PDF)

  6. Employee Appeal (PDF)

  7. Consent Agenda (PDF)

    1. Minutes of the Meeting of August 3-4, 2005 (PDF)

    2. Change in Board Meeting Schedule (PDF)

    3. Institutional and Board Office Personnel Transactions (PDF)

    4. Quarterly Review of Vendors with a Potential Conflict of Interest (PDF)

    5. Equipment Purchase - SUI (PDF)

  8. Property and Facilities Committee (PDF)

    1. Minutes of the Meeting of August 4, 2005 (PDF)

    2. Revised Work Plan (PDF)

    3. FY 2007 Capital Appropriations Requests (PDF)

    4. Agreements Related to ISU Dairy Facility (PDF)

    5. Other Institutional Agreements, Leases and Easements (PDF)

    6. SUI Register of Capital Improvement Business Transactions (PDF)

    7. UNI Register of Capital Improvement Business Transactions (PDF)

  9. Proposed Tuition Policy (PDF)

  10. FY 2007 Appropriations Requests (PDF)

  11.  Resolutions for the Sale, Award, and Issuance of $12,800,000 Academic Building Revenue Bonds, Series UNI 2005 (PDF)

  12. Resolution Authorizing and Providing for the Issuance of University of Iowa Facilities Corporation Revenue Bonds, Series 2005 (PDF)

  13. Preliminary Resolution for the Sale of Up to $20,000,000 Academic Building Revenue Bonds, Series, I.S.U. 2005 (PDF)


Board Meeting Schedule

Date Venue Location

November 2-3, 2005

University of Iowa

Iowa City

December 14-15, 2005

Iowa State University


December 6, 2005

University of Northern Iowa

Cedar Falls

February 1-2, 2006

Botanical Center

Des Moines

March 20-21, 2006

Resource Learning Center

West Des Moines

May 3-4, 2006

University of Iowa

Iowa City

June 21-22, 2006

Lakeside Laboratory


August 8-9, 2006

Site TBA


September 27-28, 2006

University of Northern Iowa

Cedar Falls

November 8-9, 2006

Iowa State University


December 18-19, 2006

University of Iowa

Iowa City

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