Investment Committee Agenda
Board Of Regents, State Of Iowa
September 14, 2004 – (1:30 PM)
University of Iowa Memorial Union
Richey Ballroom (376)
Iowa City, Iowa
David Neil, Chair
Mary Ellen Becker
Owen Newlin
Jenny Rokes
President John Forsyth (ex officio)
Call to Order and Introductory Comments (Chair)
Anticipated Action: Information
- INV 1. Minutes from June 15, 2004 Committee Meeting (Chair) (PDF)
Anticipated Action: Decision - INV 2. Investment and Cash Management Report for the Quarter Ended June 30, 2014 (Elliott/Brubaker) (PDF)
Anticipated Action: Discussion - INV 3. Proposed Changes for Domestic Equity Fund Managers and Manager Allocations (Chair/Elliott) (PDF)
Anticipated Action: Decision - INV 4. Modifications in Banking and Broker Relationships (Elliott) (PDF)
- Anticipated Action: Decision
Anticipated Issues for Next Committee Meeting (Chair)
Anticipated Action: Discussion
December 15-16, Iowa State University