Iowa Board of Regents

October 24-25, 2012

Meeting of Board of Regents, State of Iowa

Iowa Memorial Union, Main Lounge
University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa

October 24-25, 2012

Agenda Items

Audio of Meeting

Click Here to Listen to Audio from the October 24 Meeting

Click Here to Listen to Audio from the October 25 Meeting

Click Here to Listen to Audio from the Ed & Student Affairs Committee


  1. Call to Order for October 24, 2012 (PDF)

    1. Audit/Compliance and Investment Committee (PDF)

      1. Minutes of September 12, 2012, Committee Meeting (PDF)

      2. State Audit Report (PDF) (Presentation) (PDF)

      3. Internal Audit Reports Issued (PDF)

      4. Review of Diversified Investment Pools (PDF)

      5. Committee Calendar for 2013 (PDF)

      1. Board Receipt of Committee Report 

    2. University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Committee (PDF) 

      1. Minutes of September 12, 2012, Committee Meeting (PDF)

        • Opening Remarks

        • Operational and Financial Performance

        • Strategic Plan Update

        1. Presentation (PDF)

        2. Board Receipt of Committee Report

    3. Education and Student Affairs Committee (PDF)

      1. Minutes of September 12, 2012 Education and Student Affairs Committee (PDF)

      2. Update from Iowa Board of Educational Examiners (PDF)

      3. Fall 2012 Enrollment Report (PDF) (Tables) (PDF) (Powerpoint Presentation) (PDF)

      4. Request for a New Program at the University of Iowa: Master of Arts Program in Strategic Communication (PDF)

      5. College of Dentistry Accreditation Report at the University of Iowa (PDF) 

      6. Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program Accreditation Report at the University of Iowa (PDF)

      7. College of Education Licensure and Professional Endorsement Programs Accreditation Report at the University of Iowa (PDF)

      8. Update on University of Iowa/Kirkwood Community College Partnership (PDF) (Powerpoint Presentation) (PDF)

      9. 2012 Education and Student Affairs Committee Work Plan (PDF)

      10. Other Business

  2. Call to Order for October 25, 2012 (PDF)

  3. Board President Report (PDF)

  4. Consent Agenda (PDF)

    1. Minutes of September 12, 2012, Board Meeting (PDF)

    2. Interagency Cooperation Plan Annual Report (PDF)

    3. Ratification of Equipment Purchase – University of Iowa (PDF)

    4. Appointments to Committees, Boards and Commissions (PDF)

    5. Master Lease Financing (PDF)

    6. Awarding Emeritus Status (PDF)

    7. Personnel Actions (PDF)

    8. University of Northern Iowa Presidential Search and Screen Committee (PDF)

    9. Revision to December 2012 Board Meeting (PDF)

    10. Comprehensive Fiscal Report for FY 2012 (PDF)

    11. University of Iowa Update of Flood Recovery Status (PDF)

  5. Report of the Education and Student Affairs Committee (PDF)

  6. Board of Regents Student Financial Aid Committee Report (PDF) (Powerpoint Presentation) (PDF)

  7. Proposed 2013-2014 Tuition and Fees (PDF)

  8. Proposed Common and University/Program-Specific Fees for 2013-2014 (PDF) 
    (Glossary of Fees: SUI (PDF) ISU (PDF) UNI (PDF))

  9. Register of University of Iowa Capital Improvement Business Transactions (PDF)

  10. Proposed Property Purchases

    1. University of Iowa Proposed Property Purchase (City of Coralville, Iowa) (PDF)

    2. University of Iowa Proposed Property Purchase (965 Development, Inc.) (PDF)

  11. University of Iowa Naming Request (PDF)

  12. Register of Iowa State University Capital Improvement Business Transactions (PDF)

  13. Institutional Agreements, Leases and Easements (PDF) (revised 10/23/12)

  14. 2012 Economic Development and Technology Transfer Report (PDF) Reports

  15. University of Northern Iowa Presidential Search (PDF)

  16. Strategic Plan Progress Reports

    1. Universities (PDF) SUI (PDF)  ISU (PDF) UNI (PDF)

    2. Special Schools (PDF) ISD and IBSSS (PDF)

  17. University of Iowa Apartment Housing Replacement (PDF)

  18. Federal Relations Report (PDF)

  19. Presentation at the University of Iowa: “Entrepreneurship and Business Consulting” (PDF)

  20. Proposed Bond Issuance Schedule for Calendar Year 2013 (PDF)

  21. Resolution for the Sale and Award of $27,750,000 (Estimated) Academic Building Revenue Bonds, Series S.U.I. 2012 (PDF)

  22. Closed Session (PDF)

Board Meeting Schedule


Date Venue
December 5, 2012 Telephonic


Date Venue Location
February 6, 2013 (Evaluations) University of Iowa Iowa City
February 7, 2013 University of Iowa Iowa City
March 13, 2013 Iowa State University Ames
April 24-25, 2013 University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls
June 5, 2013 University of Iowa Iowa City
August 7, 2013 (Evaluations) Iowa State University Ames
August 8, 2013 Iowa State University Ames
September 11, 2013 University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls
October 23-24, 2013 University of Iowa Iowa City
December 4, 2013 Telephonic  


Date Venue Location
February 5, 2014 (Evaluations) University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls
February 6, 2014 University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls
March 12, 2014 Iowa State University Ames
April 23-24, 2014 University of Iowa Iowa City
June 4, 2014 Iowa State University Ames
August 6, 2014 (Evaluations) University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls
August 7, 2014 University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls
September 10, 2014 Iowa State University Ames
October 22-23, 2014 University of Iowa Iowa City
December 3, 2014 Telephonic  
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