Iowa Board of Regents

June 4-5, 2015

Meeting of Board of Regents, State of Iowa

Iowa State University
Scheman Building, Room 275
Ames, Iowa

June 4-5, 2015

Agenda Items

Property and Facilities Audio

Morning Audio

Afternoon Audio



Thursday June 4, 2015

  1. Property and Facilities Committee (PDF)

    1. Minutes of April 23, 2015, Committee Meeting (PDF)

    2. FY 2016 Annual Capital Plans (PDF)

    3. Register of University of Iowa Capital Improvement Business Transactions (PDF)

    4. University of Iowa Proposed Property Purchase (PDF)

    5. Register of Iowa State University Capital Improvement Business Transactions (PDF)

    6. Register of University of Northern Iowa Capital Improvement Business Transactions (PDF)

    7. Institutional Agreements, Leases, and Easements (PDF)

    8. University of Iowa Update of Flood Recovery Status (PDF)

    9. TIER Facilities Cases (PDF)

    10. Iowa State University Proposed Property Purchase (PDF)

    11. Discussion of Future Committee Agenda and Other Items (PDF)

  2. Education and Student Affairs Committee (PDF)

    1. Minutes of April 23, 2015, Committee Meeting (PDF)

    2. Presentation at Iowa State University: “Biological/Premedical Illustration Program” (PDF) - (Powerpoint) (PDF)

    3. Proposed Course Changes at the University of Iowa (PDF)

    4. Report on Title IIA Grant Program (PDF)

    5. Annual Regent Student Financial Aid Study (PDF)

    6. Create Campus Safety and Security Sub-Committee (PDF)

    7. 2015 Education and Student Affairs Committee Work Plan (PDF)

    8. Other Business

1.Call to Order for June 4, 2015 (PDF)

  1. Audit/Compliance and Investment Committee (PDF)

    Board Receipt of Committee Report

    1. Minutes of April 23, 2015, Committee Meeting (PDF)

    2. Investment and Cash Management Report for the Quarter Ended March 31, 2015

  2. University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Committee (PDF)

    Friday June 5, 2015

    1. Minutes of April 23, 2015, Committee Meeting (PDF)

      • Opening Remarks

      • Operating and Financial Performance

      • Faculty Presentation - Cyber Anatomy

      Presentation (PDF)

      Board Receipt of Committee Report

    2. University of Iowa Presidential Search Update (PDF)

    3. Consent Agenda (PDF)

      1. Minutes of April 23, 2015, Board Meeting (PDF)

      2. Minutes of April 29, 2015, Telephonic Board Meeting (PDF)

      3. Personnel Appointments (PDF)

      4. Master Lease Financing (PDF)

      5. Adoption of Amendments to Iowa Administrative Code 681 – Chapter 1 (PDF)

      6. Campus Sustainability Annual Report (PDF)

      7. FY 2016 Salary Policies (PDF)

      8. Proposed Distribution of Standard and Poor’s Settlement Proceeds (PDF)

    4. Board President Report (PDF)

    5. Reports from Institutional Heads (PDF)

      • Iowa State University
      • University of Northern Iowa
      • Special Schools
      • University of Iowa
    6. Bond Sales

      Resolution for the Sale and Award of $25,000,000 Utility System Revenue Bonds, Series S.U.I. 2015 (PDF)

      Resolution for the Sale and Award of $19,080,000 (estimated) Series S.U.I. 2015A (PDF)

    7. Report of the Property and Facilities Committee (PDF)

    8. Report of the Education and Student Affairs Committee (PDF)

    9. TIER Update - Common Application Portal Report (PDF)

    10. Safeguarding IT Systems and Institutional Data (PDF) (Presentation (PDF)

    11. Faculty Presentation at Iowa State University: “Graduate College Initiatives” (PDF) - (PowerPoint (PDF)

    12. Economic Development Presentation at Iowa State University: “Center for Biorenewable Chemicals” (PDF) - (Presentation (PDF)

    13. Closed Session - Evaluation of Institutional Head and Contested Case Appeal (PDF)

    14. Call to Order for June 5, 2015 (PDF)

    15. Closed Session - Evaluation of University Presidents and Executive Director (PDF)

    16. Consideration of Personnel Action for Institutional Heads and Executive Director Compensation (PDF)

Board Meeting Schedule


Date Location
August 5, 2015 Telephonic
September 9, 2015 University of Northern Iowa
October 21-22, 2015 University of Iowa
December 2, 2015 Telephonic


Date Location
February 24-25, 2016 TBD
April 20-21, 2016 TBD
June 8-9, 2016 (Evaluations) TBD
August 3, 2016 Telephonic
September 7-8, 2016 TBD
October 19-20, 2016 TBD
December 7, 2016 Telephonic
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