Iowa Board of Regents

June 20, 21-22, 2006

Board of Regents, State of Iowa

June 20, 2006
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa

June 21-22, 2006
Lakeside Laboratory
Okoboji, Iowa
Agenda Items

June 20, 2006 - Room 230-240 Scheman Building, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa

June 21-22, 2006 - Lakeside Laboratory, Mahan Hall, Okoboji, Iowa

  1. Economic Development Committee (PDF)
    1. 2006-2007 Committee Work Plan (PDF)
    2. Battelle Endowment/Salary Funding Proposals (PDF)
    3. Battelle Technology Development Infrastructure and Platform Projects Grants Processes (PDF)
    4. Technology and Commercialization Resources Organization and Suggested Review Criteria (PDF)
    5. Grow Iowa Values Fund Process for Fiscal Year 2007 Funding (PDF)
  2. Property and Facilities Committee (PDF)
    1. Institutional Agreements, Leases and Easements (PDF)
    2. FY 2007 Capital Plans (PDF)
    3. Register of University of Iowa Capital Improvement Business Transactions (PDF)
    4. Iowa State University Athletics Department Master Plan (PDF)
    5. Register of Iowa State University Capital Improvement Business Transactions (PDF)
    6. Register of University of Northern Iowa Capital Improvement Business Transactions (PDF)
    7. Requirements for Regent Construction Contractors (PDF)
  3. Bond Resolutions
    1. Sale of Athletic Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series S.U.I. 2006A (PDF)
    2. University of Iowa Facilities Corporation Revenue Bonds, Series 2006 (PDF)
    3. Preliminary Resolution for the Sale of Dormitory and Academic Building Revenue Refunding Bonds (PDF)
  4. Education and Student Affairs Committee (PDF)
    1. Faculty Senate Constitution Revisions at Iowa State University (PDF)
    2. Department of Chemistry at the University of Northern Iowa (PDF)
    3. Graduate Program in Industrial Education and Technology at Iowa State University (PDF)
    4. African American World Studies Program and Degree at the University of Iowa (PDF)
    5. Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Molecular Biology at the University of Iowa (PDF)
    6. Bachelor of Science in Studies in Family and Consumer Sciences Program (PDF)
    7. Undergraduate Secondary Major in Pest Management (PDF)
    8. IBSSS Report and Work Plan (PDF)
    9. Master in Medical Education Program (PDF)
    10. Iowa Center for Advanced Neurotoxicology (PDF)
    11. Nutrition and Wellness Research Center (PDF)
    12. Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters Degree (PDF)
    13. Honorary Doctor of Science Degree (PDF)
    14. Review of Academic Program Review Procedure Changes at the University of Northern Iowa (PDF)
    15. Policy Manual Chapter 6 Proposed Changes Status Report (PDF)
    16. Lakeside Laboratory Strategic Plan Status Report (PDF)
    17. Education and Student Affairs Committee Work Plan Evaluation of Progress (PDF)
  5. Human Resources Committee (PDF)
    1. Human Resources Committee Work Plan (PDF)
    2. FY 2007 Salary Policies (PDF)
    3. Revision to Policy Manual – TIAA-CREF Convertibility (PDF)
    4. Report on Salaries of Presidents in Peer Groups (PDF)
    5. Report on Tuition Assistance Programs (PDF)
  6. Audit/Compliance and Investment Committee (PDF)
    1. Investment and Cash Management Report for the Quarter Ended March 31, 2006 (PDF) (Wilshire First Quarter 2006 Executive Summary of Investment Performance (PDF))
    2. Proposed Audit/Compliance and Investment Committee Work Plan (PDF)
  7. Legislative Update (PDF)
  8. FY 2007 Budgets - Special Schools and Board Office (PDF)
  9. SUI -- Presidential Search Update (PDF)
  10. Consent Agenda
    1. Minutes of April 24, 2006, Meeting (PDF)
    2. Minutes of April 28, 2006, Meeting (PDF)
    3. Minutes of May 3-4, 2006, Meeting (PDF)
    4. Revisions to Board Meeting Schedule (PDF)
    5. Appointments by the Board (PDF)
    6. FY 2005 Unit Cost of Instruction (PDF)
    7. Agreements with the Nebraska Department of Education (PDF)
    8. Institutional Personnel Transactions with Secretary and Treasurer Appointments (PDF)
    9. Calendars (PDF)
    10. Conflict of Interest Vendors (PDF)
    11. Revisions to the Board of Regents Policy Manual (PDF)
  11. University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Committee Report (PDF)
  12. University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Trustees Meeting Agenda (PDF)

Board Meeting Schedule

Date Venue Location

August 8-9, 2006

University of Iowa

Iowa City

September 27-28, 2006

University of Northern Iowa

Cedar Falls

November 8-9, 2006

Iowa State University


December 11-12, 2006

University of Iowa

Iowa City

February 6-7, 2007

Iowa State University


March 13-14, 2007

University of Northern Iowa

Cedar Falls

May 1-2, 2007

University of Iowa

Iowa City

June 12-13, 2007

To be determined

Des Moines

August 1-2, 2007

Iowa State University


September 18-19, 2007*

University of Northern Iowa

Cedar Falls

October 30-31, 2007

University of Iowa

Iowa City

December 3-4, 2007*

Iowa School for the Deaf

Council Bluffs

*Dates Subject to Board approval in Agenda Item 11d.

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