Iowa Board of Regents

August 6, 2014

Telephonic Meeting of Board of Regents, State of Iowa

Board Office
11260 Aurora Avenue
Des Moines, Iowa

August 6, 2014


Audio of Board Meeting


Agenda Items


Monday, July 28 and Tuesday July 29, 2014

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

  1. Education and Student Affairs Committee (PDF)

    1. Minutes of June 4, 2014 Committee Meeting (PDF)

    2. Request for a New Program at the University of Iowa: Bachelor of Arts Program in Enterprise Leadership (PDF)

    3. Request for a New Program at the University of Iowa:  Bachelor of Science Program in Biomedical Sciences (PDF)

    4. Regional Study Centers Funding Allocation Request for (PDF) -  2014-2015 (PDF)

    5. Iowa Lakeside Laboratory Regents Resource Center 2013-2014 Annual Report and 2014-2015 Budget (PDF)

    6. Request for a New Program at Iowa State University: Master of Science Program in Gerontology (PDF)

    7. Request for a New Program at Iowa State University: Ph.D. Program in Gerontology (PDF)

    8. 2014 Education and Student Affairs Committee Work Plan (PDF)

    9. Other Business 

  2. Property and Facilities Committee (PDF)

    1. Minutes of June 4, 2014 Committee Meeting (PDF)

    2. Register of Iowa State University Capital Improvement Business Transactions (PDF)

    3. Iowa State University Emergency Contracting Authorization (PDF)

    4. Register of University of Northern Iowa Capital Improvement Business Transactions (PDF)

    5. Institutional Agreements, Leases, and Easements (PDF)

    6. Five-Year Institutional Roads Program (PDF)

    7. University of Iowa Update of Flood Recovery Status (PDF)

    8. Discussion of Future Committee Agenda and Other Items


    1. Call to Order for August 6, 2014 (PDF)

    2. Consent Agenda (PDF)

      1. Minutes of June 4-5, 2014, Board Meeting (PDF)

      2. Semi-Annual Claims Activity Reports:  January 1, 2014 – June 30, 2014 (PDF)

      3. Personnel Appointments (PDF)

      4. Renewal of Associated Bond Contracts (PDF)

      5. Appointments to Committees, Boards, and Commissions (PDF)

      6. Adoption of Amendment to the Iowa Administrative Code (PDF)

      7. Master Lease Financings (PDF)

    3. Board President Report (PDF)

    4. Update on TIER Study (PDF) (PowerPoint Presentation) (PDF)

    5. Reports from Institutional Heads (PDF)

      • University of Iowa

      • University of Northern Iowa

      • Iowa State University

      • Special Schools

    6. FY 2015 Budgets – Universities, Iowa Public Radio, Board Office (PDF)

    7. Sale and Award of $17,560,000 (estimated) Academic Building Revenue  Refunding Bonds, Series I.S.U. 2014 (PDF)

      Audit/Compliance and Investment Committee (PDF)

      1. Minutes of June 4, 2014, Committee Meeting (PDF)

      2. Asset Allocation Issues (PDF)

      3. Fund Manager Issues (PDF)

      4. Modification of Financial Institutions, Brokerage Firms, and (PDF)

      Money Market Mutual Funds (PDF)

      Board Receipt of Committee Report

    8. Report of the Property and Facilities Committee (PDF)

    9. Report of the Education and Student Affairs Committee (PDF)

Board Meeting Schedule


Date Venue Location
September 10, 2014 Iowa State University Ames
October 22-23, 2014 University of Iowa Iowa City
December 3, 2014 Telephonic


Date Venue Location
February 4-5, 2015 University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls
March 11, 2015 University of Iowa Iowa City
April 22-23, 2015 Iowa School for the Deaf Council Bluffs
June 3, 2015 (Evaluations) Iowa State University Ames
June 4, 2015 Iowa State University Ames
August 5, 2015 Telephonic
September 9, 2015 University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls
October 21-22, 2015 University of Iowa Iowa City
December 2, 2015 Telephonic
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