Iowa Board of Regents

October 8, 1997

Minutes of Meeting

Call to Order and Introductions

The Iowa Coordinating Council for Post-High School Education met on October 8, 1997, at Hamilton College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. President Robert Koob called the meeting to order, welcomed the Council to Hamilton College, and then the members and guests introduced themselves. The following individuals were present:

Members of the State Board of Education
Cal Callison*

Department of Education Representative
Charles Ullom*

University Representatives
Robert Koob*
Ed Lewis*
Jon Whitmore*

Representative of Independent Colleges
Michael Ferrari*
James Ross*
Representative of Private Business Schools
Susan Spivey*

Linda Brady, University of Iowa
Dave Palmer, Des Moines Area Comm. College
Barbara Schrodt, Mellen University
Thomas Tully, University of Dubuque
Frederic Will, Mellen University

Community College Representatives
David Buettner*
Melvin Samuelson*
Paul Tambrino*

Members of the Board of Regents
Clarkson Kelly*

Members of the Bd. of Trustees of Member Institutions
Don Byers*
Robert Lester*
Frank Moore*

Iowa College Student Aid Commission Representative
Gary Nichols*

Student Representatives
Charles Whiteing*

Liaison Representatives
Marcia Bankirer, Iowa Coordinating Council for Continuing Education
Robert Barak, Iowa State Board of Regents
John Hartung, Iowa Association of Independent Colleges and Universities
Gene Gardner, Iowa Association of Community College Trustees

*Indicates voting delegate.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the May 7, 1997, Council meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report

 John Hartung presented statements of income and expenditures for the period of July 1, 1996 to April 30, 1997, with a fund balance of $14,348.13.

Coordination (Program Requests)

New Business

Clarke College

  • Expansion of an Archdiocesan Program-Teachers in Catholic Schools Program (Off-Campus; Waterloo/Cedar Falls)

Action: Approved

Ellsworth Community College

  • Ag Chemical Application (On-Campus)

Action: Approved

St. Ambrose University

  • Doctorate of Business Administration (On-Campus)

Discussion: Emmet Vaughn from the University of Iowa, stated that at the University they have argued for the free and open market and they trust that St. Ambrose University will have the resources to provide the program. There were no specific objections.

Action: Approved

University of Iowa

  • Bachelor of Science Degree Program in Environmental Sciences in the College of Liberal Arts (On-Campus)

Discussion: Emmet Vaughn noted that this program is not a duplicative program as referenced in the document. Environmental program--appears graduates are in demand.

Action: Approved

2. Presentation on New Iowa Institutions

  • Mellen University
  • Vatterott College

Discussion: No representatives from either institution were present. Both institutions have demonstrated an interest in become a member of the Council.

Discussion also focused on the University of America which is a Cedar Rapids-based institution. At this institution, any student who comes to their door will be offered whatever they want as far as a major. The institution employs part-time faculty from an accredited institution to coordinate an individualized student program. When the student completes the program, the University confers the degree. Comments were made concerning state law or accreditation by NCA’s approval.


A. Strategic Planning Committee

Discussion: Dave Buettner facilitated the discussion.

  • Revised documents were distributed to participants.
    • Highlighted sections.
    • Little proposed for regulatory functions.
  • Encouraged institution of higher education to participate in this process.

#1: Expand the Higher Education Market--The better informed, the more knowledgeable the population, thus a better Iowa.

International Students--Economic impact. Some international students are determined to stay in the state following graduation.

Proposing to expand the number of international students coming to Iowa---not expanded with financial aid incentives--but because of Iowa’s high image of education.

ICN could be used as a tool.

Issues--duplication and competition.

A consortia approach may act to reduce the element of competition or duplication.

State of Maine has used this approach.

ICCPHSE could assist in working out problems.

#2: Enhanced Workforce Development

Workforce development is expanding with little or no involvement with education—we must make our presence known!

Need to strengthen ties with the employer community.

To obtain data to determine how well our graduates are prepared to enter the field of work.

Broader institutional mission--strengthen the relationship with business and industry.

Other emphasis would be to use entrepreneurial alternative education--Iowa is ranked 47th in new business start-up.

#3: Accountability and Continuous Quality Improvement

Each institution is aware and knowledgeable of the importance and emphasis on accountability and continuous quality improvement.

Common Measures--The Council will communicate to the higher education community and state policy-makers.

The Council is urged to provide common formats for reporting those common measures. Data will not be published.

A concern was expressed in regard to what extent should common measures be imposed on the out-of-state or on a non-member of the Council.

Other considerations: The Governor will appoint a commission to work on examining higher education, such as the committee which is working with secondary education. The Governor's Office is presently forming the committee. The ICCPHSE should have a role in recommending potential committee participants.


A. Pricing across the state.

B. Expanding the market not disagree, but at what expense! From the business community we hear that more and more educated students leave the state. It would appear our report may favor that it is okay to be educated and leave the state This may be a mistake from the legislative perspective. Need to enhance relationships with the Iowa Department of Economic Development to help keep graduates in Iowa.

C. Opportunities for the people of color in Iowa--appears to be a lack of opportunities in such areas as music and law.

D. What is the cost of educating or producing a graduate?

E. Address the value added to the graduate produced

F. Consistency of data and information reported.

G. Student charges--public assistance.

Iowa Board of Regents--Every two years, a unit cost analysis is completed and is based on the cost of instruction.

Clarification of public assistance.

Do we want cost to be added to the list?

K. The public would be the consumer.

Motion: Cal Calison moved, and Mel Samuelson seconded that a committee be appointed to discuss the calculation of cost and discuss considerations to be explored and the kinds of information to be addressed.

Action: Motion carried.

The topic of Public Policy...public investment was introduced by Gene Gardner.

#4: Initiative recommended.

Recognition of the social impact of education for the state of Iowa.

Value of education within the state of Iowa--collect statistics regarding the value of education and the impact on the state of Iowa.

Value may be difficult to define.

Important to recognize what education does for the citizenry of Iowa.

Impact of technology.


A fourth initiative should be initiated which would be the social economic good of higher education.

Action: Motion carried.

Summary: An expression of appreciation to the committee for the great job done on this document.

Motion: To have an impact, the data reviewed, discussed, and agreed upon should be shared with the Governor’s Committee. Comment should be made that this document will be reviewed and updated as needed on a regular basis.

Action: Motion carried.

B. Ad Hoc Committee on Workforce Development

Discussion: Discussion concerning the Workforce Development agenda item was reviewed and discussed in the strategic planning document.

C. Nomination Committee

James Ross was recommended as chair. Paul Tambrino was recommended as vice-chair.

Action: An unanimous motion was made to approve the slate of officers recommended.

Information Item

Upper Iowa University

Upper Iowa University is currently offering courses leading to a Master of Arts in a Business Leadership program to the community in Marshalltown. This is an approved campus program

and the degree will not be offered in its entirety in Marshalltown.

Discussion: Question when will the program be brought to the Council for full operation at the Marshalltown site?

Response: Upper Iowa’s intention has always been that this major would be for the campus only--not fully offered at Marshalltown or any other site. Six hours are required of students to receive the degree and must be taken at the Upper Iowa Campus.

Action: No action taken.

St. Ambrose’s Program on Early Childhood Education

For information, refer to the letter of April 23, 1997, which was included in the agenda materials.

Discussion: No questions or comments.

Respectfully submitted,

Charles B. Ullom

Recording Secretary

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